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COLON(Intestine bacterial)


Staff member
Colon is one of the most important organ system in our body. More than 80% diseases has been linked with unhealthy Colon
You are what you eat is a common saying, which means, the type of food we eat, how the food is processed and assimilated into our body can make us or break us. The colon and rectum extract water, salt, vitamins and nutrients from indigestible food, process food that was not digested in the small intestine and eliminate solid waste from the body. The colon reabsorbs and processes waste products for elimination. The digested food moves from the small intestine into the colon. Digestion continues in the colon as bacteria breaks down some food materials into smallest pieces
Water and some nutrients are absorbed by the inner lining of the colon (epithelium). The liquid waste remaining in the colon turns into semi-solid stool(feces) The inner lining of the colon also makes mucus, so that stool can easily move through the colon and rectum.
As stool moves to the end of the colon, it becomes solid. It leaves the colon and moves into the rectum. When this rectum is full, a signal is is sent to the brain to push the stool out of the body through the anus.
Problem occurs when the colon does not function properly, it begins to absorb toxins instead of eliminating them, thereby causing problems as such as
Gas, bloating and constipation
Weight gain
Alzheimer's disease
Rectum cancer
Colon cancer
Liver cancer
Low energy and fatigue, etc.
The colon plays host to a zoo of bacteria, over a hundred of microorganisms live in the colon. A proper balance of healthy bacteria must be maintained inside the colon to avoid digestive ailments. Unhealthy food habits often harm this balance and cause various stomach problems. These problems can be caused by undigested food, as most food that we eat today are loaded with additives, preservatives and other chemicals, leading to a build up of toxins in the colon, this affects the body.
From the air we breathe and the water we drink, to the hundreds of chemicals we come into contact with each day, it all takes its toll on the colon and ultimately on our overall health.
Symptoms of unhealthy colon includes one or more of these:
-Bad breath
-Body odour
-Dark circles below the eye
-Gas and bloating
-Infections(Frequent cold and flu)
-Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)
-Skin problems
-Pre-menstrual syndrome(PMS)
Everybody is not fortunate enough to have regular defecation in the morning. The number of bowel movements generally decrease with age. The most common pattern is one bowel movement a day. This pattern is seen in less than 50% people. Moreover, most people are irregular and sometimes, do not have any bowel movements in a day or the same number of bowel movements every day.
Stool can accumulate anywhere inside the colon and the rectum in the form of a thin film as well as stick to the walls of the colon.
They hamper physical efficiency and cause a lot of discomfort, irritability, lethargy, bloating, flatulence and many diseases.