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How to live debt-free?


There are so many people who almost drowned in debt. But we cannot blame them, in fact, I also experienced this when I borrowed money from the bank. I was almost drowned. It is simply because if you fail to pay a single month, the interest surcharge. It was hard for me to fight the bank why charging me that so high. In order to set free from the supposed doomed life of debt, I worked harder. I applied as an insurance agent and luckily got sufficient training and licensing. So, I attacked the world of prospecting, and fortunately, I was able to close 1000 clients. They got a group personal life insurance and got a commission that amounted to P100,000 ($2000 USD). I was on Cloud 9 at that time when I received my commission and was congratulated by the insurance manager. The next day, I went to the bank and paid and the manager was feeling aghast about my payment of P 55,000 (1,100 ) cash.

We should not stop believing in ourselves that we have the guts and ability to solve a crucial problem without tears to abide but mind to decide. There are many ways to be debt-free. Let us just look around and see our sources of money-making like insurance selling, fruit selling, veggies selling, cooked food selling, and more. What can you add?
The steps to living debt-free include making a budget, putting needs before wants, and reducing wasteful spending. Create an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses. Prioritize paying off high-interest loans before looking into debt consolidation. Boost your income by advancing your career or finding side jobs. Use credit sensibly and avoid taking on more debt. Review and modify your financial plan frequently. The secret to leading a debt-free lifestyle is maintaining discipline and making wise financial decisions.
One way to be debt free is through management. Most times our issue is not that we dont have money, but the major issue is that we tend to spend more than we earn. Knowing our needs from wants and having a budget on it would help us manage properly.
Actually to set ur self free from debt, lines to help u live a debt free someone have to always plan ahead before anything else,u happy to always create a budget and always stick to it and always free your self free financial pressure , each times try to know how much debt you have
Living dept free can be very efical, and there are a few key steps you can take to achieve the goal. One is to create a budget and stick to it, they will help you track your expenses and identity areas whereyou can cut back. Another is to focus on paying off depts, starting with the highest one firs. You can also try to Increase your income by finding ways to earn extra money. Finally, its important to avoid takin any new dept unless absolutely necessary
Like you ha e said, we cannot exactly blame those people who go into debt. It could be that there is no other option left, and they have to take care of a particular expense at that particular time. Still, one should not see debt as the best option, because if you can't pay back, the humiliation that will follow will be unbearable.
Try as much as possible to live within your means and don’t look at other people’s way of life. But what you can afford to buy and spend reasonably. As long as you are not greedy and you don’t long for what is beyond your financial capability then you will do very fine. There is no better way to live than to be debt free.
Living debt free means you have enough to cover your recurrent expenses and the ones that may come up suddenly. Most people have enough to pay for their daily bills but it's hard for people to save money especially in 2023. I have been able to stay debt free by living below my means, but it's hard to save.