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What you should know about investment.


Here’s a breakdown of each type of investment.

1. Equity Investment​

One of the most well-known investment opportunities for businesses is equity investing.
Equity investing is the riskiest investment in business opportunities.

In turn, this ownership gives you the right to a percentage of the profits.

The percentage of profits is typically equivalent to the percentage of the share you hold in the compan

Here’s the best par

As the business grows, the value of your shares will also gain value over time, which could help you build wealth.

2. Sweat Equity Investment
If you’re thinking that the only way to invest money in business is through equity investing – think again.

Investing in small companies doesn’t just have to depend on investing physical cash.

In fact, to invest in a local business you can also use what is known as sweat equity.

Essentially, sweat equity is the unpaid work and time that you’re giving to a small business in exchange for a potential future profit.

3. Debt Investment​

If you’re wondering how to invest in a small business that doesn’t involve an equity investment, here’s your answer: Debt investing.

The loan will typically be repaid in installments over a specific time period.

If you’re investing into a small business via debt financing, here’s the single biggest advantage to debt financing over equity financing:

In other words, if the company can, it will repay its debtors first and its equity investors last.

4. Equity-Debt Hybrid Investment​

If you want to be an investor in a small business without committing to just equity or just debt financing, I have a solution for you: The equity-debt hybrid.

The equity-debt solution may work to give you:

  • Nonvoting rights
  • Can convert to common stock
  • Higher dividend yields than bonds (debt instruments)
And in the event of bankruptcy, the small business will repay its preferred stockholders before its equity investors.
Well detailed write up.